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在2008年6月28日 (六) 18:14由Minwei對話 | 貢獻所做的修訂版本

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Journal Use by Graduate Students
  • Sonnenwald, Diane H.,Wildemuth, Barbara M.Investigating Information Seeking Behavior Using the Concept of Information Horizons

Search Behavior

The search experience variable in information behavior research


Understanding intention to continuously share information on weblogs

Gender perspective


  • based on the theory of the male-hunter and female-gatherer.
  • Gaby Goldsmith:studied the design process itself from the cognitive perspective.



Information Organize

Title: The everyday world of work: two approaches to the investigation of classification in context Author(s): Elin K. Jacob
Journal: Journal of Documentation
Year: 2001 Volume: 57 Number: 1
DOI: 10.1108/EUM0000000007078
Abstract: One major aspect of T.D. Wilson’s research has been his insistence on situating the investigation of information behaviour within the context of its occurrence Ö within the everyday world of work. The significance of this approach is reviewed in light of the notion of embodied cognition that characterises the evolving theoretical episteme in cognitive science research. Embodied cognition employs complex external props such as stigmergic structures and cognitive scaffoldings to reduce the cognitive burden on the individual and to augment human problem-solving activities. The cognitive function of the classification scheme is described as exemplifying both stigmergic structures and cognitive scaffoldings. Two different but complementary approaches to the investigation of situated cognition are presented: cognition-as-scaffolding and cognition-as-infrastructure. Classification-as-scaffolding views the classification scheme as a knowledge storage device supporting and promoting cognitive economy. Classification-as-infrastructure views the classification system as a social convention that, when integrated with technological structures and organisational practices, supports knowledge management work. Both approaches are shown to build upon and extend Wilson’s contention that research is most productive when it attends to the social and organisational contexts of cognitive activity by focusing on the everyday world of work.
Keywords: Information, Functional flexibility, Classification.

  • An Important Journal: Knowledge Organization(0943-7444)
Folksonomies, Tagging Communities, and Tagging Strategies- An Empirical Study.Vol.34(2007) N.3
Knowledge Organization Literature,這個書目的分類很重要


Enhancing the Semantic Interoperability of Multimedia through a Core Ontology

Information Retreival

Blog Search Engines



  1. Wiki系統評估與社群經營之研究--以維基百科為例(2006) by 林信成, 游忠諺
  2. 維基百科知識分享現象之研究(2007) by 黃俊宇
  3. Wiki當做數位資源共同整理平臺 玄奘資訊傳播學報, Vol. 3 (2006), pp. 99-107. by 張東淼


  1. Wiki's wild world. Nature, Vol. 438, No. 890. (2005), pp. 890-890.
  2. Wikis, blogs and podcasts: a new generation of Web-based tools for virtual collaborative clinical practice and education.by: Maged, Inocencio Maramba, Steve Wheeler.BMC Medical Education, Vol. 6, No. 41. (2006)
  3. What have Innsbruck and Leipzig in common? Extracting Semantics from Wiki Content.by: Sören Auer, Jens Lehmann(2007)
  4. "Blogs" and "Wikis" Are Valuable Software Tools for Communication Within Research Groups by:Igor M Sauer, Dominik Bialek, Ekaterina Efimova, Ruth Schwartlander, Gesine Pless, Peter Neuhaus
  5. Cooperation and quality in wikipedia



  1. The ethnographic tradition and design by: Graham Button Design Studies, Vol. 21, No. 4. (July 2000), pp. 319-332. doi:10.1016/S0142-694X(00)00005-3
  2. Valid knowledge for the professional design of large and complex design processes by: Joan E van Aken Design Studies, Vol. 26, No. 4. (July 2005), pp. 379-404. doi:10.1016/j.destud.2004.11.004
  3. Free Software Development: Cooperation and Conflict in A Virtual Organizational Culture
  4. Towards interoperable Web engineering methods這個研究方法值得我參考
  5. Communication roles that support collaboration during the design process/D. H. Sonnenwald
  6. Contested collaboration: A descriptive model of intergroup communication in information system design/D. H. Sonnenwald

User-Centered Information System Design

  1. Bannon, L. J. "From Human Factors to Human Actors: The Role of Psychology and Human-Computer Interaction Studies in System Design." In Design at Work: Cooperative Design of Computer Systems. J. Greenbaum and M. Kyng (eds.). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 1991, pp. 24-44.
  2. Payette, Sandra D. and Oya Y. Rieger. "Supporting Scholarly Inquiry: Incorporating Users in the Design of the Digital Library (at Cornell University) Journal of Academic Librarianship 24, no. 2 (1998): 121-129.
  3. "User Involvement in the Design Process: Why, When & How?" In INTERCHI '93 Conference Proceedings. Bridges Between Worlds. S. Ashlund. NY: ACM, 1993, pp. 251-254.
  4. Rouse, William B. and Sandra H. Rouse. "Human Information Seeking and Design of Information Systems." Information Processing & Management 20 (1984): 129-138.
  5. Randall, Dave, John Hughes, and Dan Shapiro. "Steps towards a Partnership: Ethnography and System Design." In Requirements Engineering: Social and Technical Issues8. Marina Jirotka and Joseph A Goguen (eds.). London: Academic Press, 1994, pp. 241-25.


  • 在設計領域中,觀察使用者行為是很重要的一件事:
  1. 《行為觀察與公園設計》929.21/8457-1(淡江館藏)


  1. Usability and open source software
  2. The Interface between Design and Management by: Rizal Sebastian Design Issues, Vol. 21, No. 1. (2005), pp. 81-93.